How to Decorate Your Fireplace Mantel – Five Simple Tricks

Buying and installing a new fireplace? Piece of cake. But decorating it – that’s what separates the men from the boys.

You see, it may not look it, but there’s an awful lot to consider when dressing up your mantel. From deciding on the types of accessories it will display to how they will be arranged, it’s all about creating subtle layers and elegant flows for the eyes to follow, attracting attention without taking over your living room.

While there is no single, universal way to make your mantel look great, most are agreed that it is important to create a visual triangle - that is, back up your mantel with a large mirror/picture, and then weigh it down with smaller pieces on the edges. In fact many people, including Steven and Chris abide by a formula that follows these 5 easy steps:

1. Incorporate Something Big

However you dress up your mantel, you should always make sure you place a large, central object on the wall behind. Whether it be a mirror, picture or even a TV, this will create the main focal point of your decoration, and will supplement the accessories placed in front.  

2. Move the Eye

A great trick is to try and include objects that have movement. This could be literal, as in wavering candle flames or a ticking clock, but it can also include items of various heights and widths that will cause the eye to move as it scans. Try and keep this on the left side of your mantel.

3. Add Some Visual Weight

To balance out the moment, you’ll need to add something more hefty on the right side to add a little weight. Something like a vase of flowers or a large photograph would work perfectly, creating a triangle between the elements to the left and above.

Well weighted mantel

4.Create Layers

Now you have your main elements in place, you can start to include some more personal touches. Layer and stagger in photos, clocks, figurines, flowers, and other small touches that will help create visual interest. If you can, add them in small clusters to add some cohesion.

5. Finishing Touches

Now it's time to stand back and survey what you've done. Make sure you make your more personal pieces more prevalent, and mix up your accessories so they vary in height, creating a wave effect. If done right, your mantel should have a naturally attractive appearance that adds to your room with stealing too much spotlight.

Although simple, following these steps is a great start to styling your fireplace. Just remember to not be scared to experiment, and keep trying new colours, heights and shapes until you have a mantel that suits you!

Image Credits: Image 1 - Ocean Island Living, Image 2 - HGTV, Image 3 - HGTV

Nick Beaumont, CopywriterAuthor:

Nick Beaumont

Writer, blogger and drinker of tea, Nick is the office bookworm who is obsessed with all things word related. Having written for a variety of publications, including a year writing about art and interior design in Shanghai, Nick is now the content writer for Fireplace World, where he continues his struggle to save the world, one blog post at a time.
