Crafty Recycling with a Creative Project

Crafty Recycling with a Creative Project

Scorching summer sun and school holidays can be a volatile combination; paddling pools and barbecues are all well and good, but what do you do on the second day of sunshine? And what happens when the rain inevitably returns?
Well, these are all great opportunities for a fun-filled family activity or two. If you remember our build a birdhouse blog, we’ve got another top tip to help keep young minds occupied during the summer months.
Spend some quality time family time with our inspiring crafty project, perfect for boring or rainy days. It’ll save you a trip to the tip too!

If you’ve ever ordered from us (or anywhere similar) you’ll be no stranger to bulky boxes. Even though we need them to protect your purchase, they can be awkward to get rid of.
Unless you decided to turn it into, say, a race-car or a submarine

That’s exactly what some local Huddersfield children did with the boxes we donated for a special week of creative fun! Whilst recycling is always encouraged, we at Fireplace World decided to spark young imaginations by giving away some of our large cardboard boxes for ‘upcycling’ into objects of fun and fantasy.

Based in Denby Dale, West Yorkshire, Crafty Kids is an exciting arts and crafts venue aimed at providing a safe and fun environment for kids aged 0-8. Founder and qualified Senior Nursery Nurse Jessica Wood opened the centre earlier this as a way for families to spend time together exploring and nurturing their children’s creativity.

Throughout the week, kids came to the centre to transform our humdrum boxes into everything from castles, to play-houses to pirate ships. Everything within the realm of a child’s mind was brought to life with the help of some scissors and a little paint (not to mention plenty of adult supervision!)

All the kids spent a few fun and fruitful days working hard to turn ordinary, everyday boxes into something they can take in. Not only did this teach the values of hard-work and creativity, it also helped introduce the importance of recycling, a vital concept for future generations to understand.

If you’re thinking of getting involved, Crafty Kids is open Tuesday to Saturday, 9:30AM-4:30PM. If you’ve recently ordered anything from Fireplace World and you’re stuck with the box, you can have a go at home! See what wonders you can bring to life with the help of the kid’s imagination. Be sure to send plenty of pictures of your crafty creations to, our Facebook or Twitter.

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